1. Doctoral thesis defended in the scientific area 02.14.07  "Department of Transport".

         1.1. Atanas Ivanov Tashev, dissertation defense – 1982. Topic: “Investigation of Transport Fleet Technical-Economic Efficiency”, Director of studies: Prof. D. Simeonov. At the present moment A. Tashev works at the Technical University of Sofia, branch in Plovdiv.

         1.2. Jordan Iliev Marinov, dissertation defense – 1985. Topic: “Mapping out a rational rout of mass passenger transport”, Director of studies: Prof. D. Simeonov. J. Marinov was Rousse Municipal Council member. At the present moment he is pensioner.

         1.3. Nikolaj Iliev Kolev, dissertation defense – 1997. Topic: “Investigation of power, economical and toxic indicators of diesel engine pistons with anode surface”, Directors of studies: Assoc. Prof. Emil Marinov Ivanov, PhD; Assoc. Prof. Stojko Nikolov Stojkov, PhD. Scientific area 02.01.14 "Internal Combustion Engine". At the present moment N Kolev works at the University of Rousse, Department of Transport.

         1.4. Mitko Dimitrov Marinov, dissertation defense – 2001. Topic: “A research of stressing signal at an intersection under criteria fuel consumption”, Director of studies: Prof. D. Simeonov. At the present moment M. Marinov works at the University of Rousse, Department of Transport.

         1.5. Velizara Ivanova Pencheva, dissertation defense – 2001. Topic: “Investigation and Optimization of small consignments of goods traffic”. Director of studies: Prof. D. Simeonov. At the present moment V. Pencheva works at the University of Rousse, Department of Transport.

         1.6. Veselina Stojanova Evtimova, dissertation defense – 2004. Topic: “Flow processes and transport service of Emergency Aid Center”, Director of studies: Prof. D. Simeonov. At the present moment V. Evtimova works at the University of Rousse, Department of Mathematics.

         1.7. Nikolina Belcheva Dragneva, dissertation defense – 2005. Topic: “Evaluation of Public Transport System Elements when transport services are going on”, Director of studies: Prof. D. Simeonov. At the present moment N. Dragneva works at the Burgas Free University, Faculty for Computer Science, Engineering and Natural Studies.


2. PhD students.



PhD students

Eng. Viarka Toncheva Ronkova


Dissertation Topic: Methods for improvement of the transport vehicles reliability by surface treatment of some details.


Directors of studies: Assoc. Prof. Nikolaj Kolev, PhD


Tel: +359 82 888-231

E-mail: Vronkova@uni-ruse.bg

Eng. Elitsa Mineva Ruseva


Dissertation Topic: Transport Service of the Emergency Medical System.


Directors of studies: Assoc. Prof. Velizara Pencheva, PhD

Tel: +359 82 888-605

E-mail: Eruseva@uni-ruse.bg


Eng. Ana Dencheva Ruseva


Dissertation Topic: Servicing passenger flows with the use of taxi-cab transportation.


Directors of studies: Assoc. Prof. Velizara Pencheva, PhD

Tel: +359 82 888-605



Eng. Anelia Angelova Petkova


Dissertation Topic: Study of the Transport Flow Characteristics and methods for prevention of road accidents


Directors of studies: Assoc. Prof. Mitko Marinov, PhD


Tel: +359 82 888-609


E-mail: Aetkova@uni-ruse.bg

Eng. Plamena Gospodinova Ivanova


Dissertation Topic: An Investigation of Speed Profile on Urban Public Transport Routes


Directors of studies: Assoc. Prof. Mitko Marinov, PhD


Tel: +359 82 888-609


E-mail: Pivanova@uni-ruse.bg