1.1. Qualification characteristics.
The Transport Management and Technology (TMT) degree course is designed to train students who seek comprehensive higher education in transportation and prepares professionals for scientific and practical work in the areas of systems theory, design and architecture, socio-technical enterprise systems and research methods, within a transportation framework.
1. Qualification degree: Bachelor of Engineering with Management (TMT).
2. Professional branch: Transport, Navigation and Aviation.
3. Professional Qualification: Transport Engineer.
4. General and Specialized preparation.
The students who graduate the TMT degree course will be able to exercise the following professional functions:
- manufacturing and technological work;
- organization and management;
- research work;
- design.
The students who graduate the TMT degree course obtain knowledge in the field of:
- algebra; mathematical analysis, statistics and its application;
- languages;
- technical and engineering science;
- infrastructure and vehicles of the United Transport System ( national, local, European);
- theory of the transport flows, shaping of the production process and logistics;
- business management, market relations, marketing;
- kinds of goods and handling technologies;
- technical characterizations, characteristics, standards and exploitation of all kinds of vehicles;
- intermodal forms of transportation when unified transportation processes are performed;
- civil, trade, economic and taxation legislation;
- trade and financial management of a company;
- main normative documents in the field of international transport and transport market;
- organisation, traffic safety and preservation of the environment;
- transport and handling technologies and machines;
- price fixing of the transport services, store activities, distribution and spedition;
- drawing up custom documents;
- organisation of the transport market, market services and public transport services;
- general transport policy of Bulgaria and the countries members of the European Union;
- informational systems, technologies and planning;
- diagnostics’ technology, organization and management, servicing and current repairs of transport vehicles.
5. General and Specialized skills of the transport engineer:
- Accomplishment of transport services with precise characteristics;
- Investigation and assessment of the goods and transport markets, ability to work out a plan for entering on the markets;
- Ability to work out a design and strategies that will be used for developing of the transport infrastructure and for its better functioning;
- Winning, preservation and management of goods;
- Technology methods design and ability to map out the route of the vehicles that accomplish direct and multimodal modes of transportation;
- Organization and management of transport and transport processes in small and big cities and agglomerations;
- Spedition of goods in case of direct and multimodal modes of transportation and transport insurances;
- Familiarity with the documents indispensable for internal and international transportation;
- Informational cover of the traffic management and organization;
- Management and co-ordination of the human resources;
- Ability to work with program products and information systems;
- Transport companies and systems management;
- Technology, organization and management of the vehicles maintenance;
- Traffic organization and traffic safety;
6. Career opportunities
The students who graduate the TMT bachelor degree and who obtain professional qualification: transport engineer will be able to:
- to continue their education in order to obtain Master degree;
- to work in repair and maintenance service-stations;
- to work as a “carrier of goods or people” (transport operator)1;
- to work as a “national or international shipping agent”.
to work as a: transport promoter, expert in transport company (firms), state employee in the municipal and local administration, consulting offices, commercial representative, manager, state employee in different departments, shipping company worker etc.
[1] 31996 L 0026: Council Directive 96/26/EC of 29 April 1996 “On admission to the occupation of road haulage operator and road passenger transport operator and mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications intended to facilitate for these operators the right to freedom of establishment in national and international transport operations” as last amended by 31998 L 0076: Council Directive 98/76/EC of 1.10.1998.”On allowing the activity of road haulage operators and road passenger transport operators as well as mutual recognition of diplomas certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications intended to facilitate for these operators the right to freedom of establishment in national and international transport operations”.