1. Year 1999.
Simeonov D., V. Pencheva, M. Marinov, The Europen Transport Integration and Rgulations to the Road Transport, IÕth International Conferance AUTOMOTIVE FOR THE NXT CNTURY, BRASOV, 1999.
Stefanova T., V. Penchva, N. Kolev. Conception for Vsing Electronic Tables in the Laboratorial Works in Phjsical Education EPS-11: Trendsin Physics 6 - 10 september 1999, Chur et House Conference Centre, London.
Marinov M., Some considerations of energy-effectiveness criteria for selecting type of intersection control, IX International Confernce ESFA,99 AUTOMOTIVE FOR THE NEXT CENTURY, BRASOV, 11 - 12 November 1999.
Marinov M., A model of the frequency of phase termination by maximum green time at traffic signals, IX International Confernce ESFA,99 AUTOMOTIVE FOR THE NEXT CENTURY, BRASOV, 11 - 12 November 1999.
Stefanova T., V. Penchva, Conception for Vsing Electronic Tables in the Laboratorial Works in Phjsical Education EPS-11: Trendsin Physics 6 - 10 september 1999, Chur et House Conference Centre, London.
Kostova M., T. Stefanova, J. Gospodinova, Pencheva V., One Idea Development of Deductive Thinking in Education on Mathematics and Physics EPS-11: Trendsin Physics 6 - 10 september 1999, Chur et House Conference Centre, London.
2. Year 2000.
Stefanova T., V.Pencheva, Zh. Gelkov, About Some Didactics Elements Usin AT PC Programs at Education’s, II Congress of the Mathematicians and Informaticians of Macedonia, 2000.
Pencheva V., D. Simeonov, T. Stefanova, Zh. Gelkov, M.Kostova, Some Elements of the Educations for Students from Transportation speciality about Using Electronic tables, II Congress of the Mathematicians and Informaticians of Macedonia, 2000.
Pencheva V., D. Simeonov, T. Stefanova, An Application of Computer Program for a Route Choose of Fright Transport of Small Lots, II Congress of the Mathematicians and Informaticians of Macedonia, 2000.
Marinov. M., J. Gelkov, E. Neagu, USING INDUCTIVE TRAFFIC DETECTORS FOR SPEED MEASUREMENTS AN INTERSECTION, A VIII-th International Conference “CAR-2000”, Pitesti, 16-17 November, 2000.
3. Year 2001.
Pencheva V., D. Simeonov, T. Stefanova, An Application of Computer Program for a Route Choose of Fright Transport of Small Lots, II Congress of the Mathematicians and Informaticians of Macedonia, 2001.
Pencheva V., D. Simeonov, T. Stefanova. The Unided European Transport Market and Requirements to Automobile Transportation. Prima Conferenta ca Participare Internationala a Milemialai. SMART 2001, Automobile Trafic si Siguranta Rutiera, ò.1, 08-09.11.2001, Craiova, Romania, p. 371-374, ISBN 973-8043-23-4.
Simeonov D., V. Pencheva. “Intermodal Forms of Transportation”. University of Rousse “Angel Kanchev”Printing-Press, Rousse, 2001.
Pencheva V, About Some Problems Concerning the Choice of Effective Transport Policy in the Field of Transport Service, Scientific Session of the University of Rousse “Angel Kanchev”, Rousse 2001.
4.Year 2002.
Pencheva V., About Some Problems Concerning the Making of Work-Schedule for Automobiles operating on Different Delivery Routes. Anniversary International Conference "The University During the Third Millennium”, volume one, Scientific Proceedings 2002.
Stoyanov, A.J., V.A. Stoianov. Investigation of the Unblocking, Repairing and Utilizing Possibilities of the Blocking Fuel Diesel Injections from Diesel Fuel System. Scientific Session. University of Rousse “A. Kanchev”, Volume 39, Series 4.1, Rousse, 2002, ISSN 1311-3321.
Kesiakov, A., J. Gelkov. The Road Condition of the Traffic Safety in Bulgaria 1997 – 2002 . Symposium. University of Rousse. Rousse. 2002.
5. Year 2003.
Simeonov D., V. Pencheva. Handbook of “Intermodal Forms of Transportation”, University of Rousse “Angel Kanchev”Printing-Press, Rousse 2003.
Kolev, N., V. Ronkova. About Some Investigations of the Locomotive Bandages and Teir Using. ²Õ Scientific International Conference “Transport-Ecology-Development”, Varna.2003.
Marinov, E., P. Tepavicharov, Y. Yordanova. Investigation of the Internal Combustion engine with Bor-titan Layer Pistons of a Thermal Pressure. ²Õ International Scientific Technical Conference “Òransport – Ecology – Development”, Varna. 2003.
Kolev, N. One Conception of the Teaching Program About the Discipline “Transport Infrastructure”, ²Õ SIC "Transport-Ekology-Development”, Varna..2003.
6. Year 2004.
Simeonov D., V. Pencheva, Ì. Ìàrinov. “Rain-Main-Danube Water Road”.Scientific Proceedings of the University of Rousse “Angel Kanchev”, Rousse, 2004.
Pencheva V., S. Stoianov, À. Ruseva. About Some Possibilities of the Contemporary Information Technologies Used for Selling of Automobiles and Spare Parts. International Conference "Globalisation challenges in the fields of education and science", Symposium, Volume Three, Burgas. 2004, p. 293 - 298.
Àsånîv, A. Experimental Investigation of the Slippage Dependency from the Cohesion Factor of a Wheel Tractor. SC at the University of Rousse “A. Kanchev”, Volume 41, Series 4, Ruse. 2004. p. 33-37.
Simeonov D., V. Pencheva, M. Marinov. “Transport Corridor ¹7”. Scientific Proceedings of the University of Rousse “Angel Kanchev”, Rousse, 2004.
Pencheva V., À. Ruseva. Analize of the Bulgarian Taxi-cab Services Market. Symposium, Volume 41, Rousse, 2004, p. 128 – 132. ISSN 1311-3321.
Pencheva V. D. Simeonov, E. Tihova. For Some Characterizations of the Transport Service and Web-Site as Base for Their Presentation. International Conference "Globalisation Challenges in the Fields of Education and Science", Symposium, Volume Three, Burgas. 2004, p. 287 - 292.
Pencheva V., E. Tihova. Determination the Needs of Transport Vehicles in the Circumstances of Emergency Medical Aid Center. Volume 41, Rousse. 2004, p. 133 – 137. ISSN 1311-3321.
Gelkov, Zh., A. Stoianov, V. Vutova. Ligthing of the Road from Car Headligths. Scientific Session. University of Rousse “A. Kanchev”. Rousse. 2004.
Tepavicharov, P., T. Kostov. Investigation of the Indicator Parameters of the Diesel Engine with Ceramical Isolation of the Fuel chamber. Symposium. University of Rousse, 2004.
Kolev, N., V. Ronkova. Influence of the Anode Layer over the Resourse Defined Surface of Pistons. Scientific Book, University of Rousse “À. Êanchev”, 2004.
Stoyanov, A. Methodic and System for Diagnose of Diesel Engines' General Parameters. Scientific Session. University of Rousse “A. Kanchev”.Rousse. 2004.
Stanchev, D., À. Àsånîv, N. Stancheva, I. Ginkov. Concerning the Relationship Between the Coefficient of the Differential Interlock and the Tractor Slipage. XIII MVM’04. Kragujevac. Serbia. 2004. p. 334 - 339.
7. Year 2005.
Pencheva V., D. Simeonov. “Logistic Conception and Requirements Referring to Transport Education” Scientific Proceedings of the University of Rousse “Angel Kanchev”, Rousse, 2005.Ïåí÷åâà Â., Ä. Ñèìåîíîâ. Ëîãèñòè÷íà êîíöåïöèÿ è èçèñêâàíèÿ íà îáó÷åíèåòî ïî òðàíñïîðò. Íàó÷íè òðóäîâå íà ÐÓ “À. Êúí÷åâ”, 2005.
Pencheva V., À. Ruseva, D. Simeonov. “Efficiency of Automobiles used for Taxi-Cabs”. ÅCÎ-Varna, 2005.
Pencheva V., E. Tichova, D. Simeonov. “Some Methodology Aspects for Formulation a Model of Emergency Medical Care Centres for Transport Service”. ÅCÎ-Varna, 2005.
Asenov, A. Investigation of the Liquid Fuel Consumption of an Autobus “Mercedes Benz O 405 G”. TU - Varna. Varna. 2005. p. 173-178.
Pencheva, V., A. Asenov. About Some Issues of the Transport Market Segments for Cargo Transportation. University of Rousse, Volumå 44, Series 4. Rousse. 2005. p. 106-111.
Pencheva V., À. Àsenov. “About Some Problems Concerning the Freight Transport Market of Goods Segmentation ”. Scientific Proceedings of the University of Rousse “Angel Kanchev”, Rousse, 2005.
Batanov, S., T. Delikostov, A. Asenov, D. Stanchev. Research of Turbine Transducers Type "ARGO" for Measurement of Liquid Fuel Consumption. Symposium. University of Rousse. Rousse. 2005.p. 22-28.
Asenov, A., D. Stanchev , D. Teoharov, M. Stepanov. Experimentally Investigation of the Fuel Economy of a Truck-lift DV-60RT. Trans&Motauto'05+. NMU "V. Levski". V. Tarnovo. 2005. p. 190-194.
Pencheva V., À. Ruseva, D. Simeonov. Taxi-cab Efficiency, ÅCÎVARNA, Symposium 2005, Volume 12, Varna 2005, p.593 - 599. ISÂN – 954 – 20 – 030.
Pencheva V., E. Tihova, D. Simeonov. Some Methodological Aspects of Transport Servicing Model’s Erection of Emergency Medical Center. ÅCÎVARNA, Symposium 2005, Volume 12, Varna. 2005, p.600 – 606.
Ivanova, P., M. Marinov Prediction of Bus Speed at an Urban Route, Scientific works, Volume 44, Series 4, Rousse 2005, 141–145 .
Petkova, A., M.Marinov, Zh. Gelkov , An analysis of Current State of Location and Navigation Technologies in Road Transport Vehicles. Symposium, Volume 44, Rousse, 2005, p. 136 – 140. ISSN 1311-3321.
Gelkov, J., M. Marinov, B. Iliev. Using of the Limited Speeds in Automobile Expert's Reports. Symposium. University of Rousse. Rousse. 2005.
Ronkova, V., N. Kolev, P. Tepavicharov, Matematics Model of the Temperaturing Fields of the Serial and Anode Pistons for Diesel Engines. EKO Varnà, 2005
Kolev, N., V. Ronkova, Elaboration of the Physical Model for Ditribution of Termal Flood in Pistons for Diesel Engines. SIC na University of Rousse "A. Kanchev”, 2005.
Kolev, N., About Organization of the Service in Specialized Service Stations. EKO- Varna, 2005.
Stoyanov, A. Improving of the Technical, Economical and Ecological Parameters of the Diesel Engine During the Exploatation Time, Through Optimizing of the fuel system control parameters. Scientific Session. University of Rousse “A. Kanchev”. Rousse. 2005.
Stoyanov, A. Theoretical Teoretichni preconditions for a method choice of the technical condition of the diesel fuel system elements. EKO-Varna. 2005.
8. Year 2006.
Pencheva, V., D. Simeonov, A. Asenov. The Logistics in the Cargo Transport. Symposium. University of Rousse. 2006.
Pencheva, V., A. Asenov. The Advertisment on the Vehicles. University of Rousse. 2006.
Pencheva, V., A. Ruseva, E. Ruseva, A. Asenov. Dispatching of Automobile Service Systems. Scientific Bulletin. Timisoara. Romania.2006.
Pencheva, V., A. Asenov. About Some Issues of Transportation Provision of Region Rousse with Cargo Automobiles. Symposium. University of Rousse. 2006.
Pencheva, V., A. Asenov. About the Issues of Transportation Provision of Bulgariq with Cargo Automobiles. Scientific Bulletin, Automotive Series, Year XII, Nomber 16, University of Pitest. Pitest. Romania. 2006.
Ruseva A., V. Pencheva, D. Simeonov. Investigation of the Incoming Call Flow under the Circumstances of a taxi-cab company. ÅCÎVARNA, Varna. 2006.
Pencheva V., À. Ruseva. Parameters Defining the Moving Time when Passengers Travell by Taxi-cab. Symposium, University of Rousse "Angel Kanchev", Rousse. 2006.
Pencheva V., À. Ruseva, Å. Ruseva. Work Modelling of Automobile Fleet for Transport Servicing of Calls. Symposium, University of Rousse ''Angel Kanchev", Volume 45, Rousse, 2006, p. 245 – 248. ISSN 1311-3321.
Pencheva V., E. Ruseva, A. Ruseva. Imitation Modeling of Sophisticated Transport Servicing Systems, Annals of the Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara 2006, Tome IV, Fascicole 2, (ISSN 1584 – 2665), Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara, 5, Revolutiei, 331128, Hunedoara.
Ruseva E., V. Pencheva, D. Simeonov. Transport Service Technology in condition of Urgent Medical Care. ÅCÎVARNA, Varna. 2006.
Ruseva E., V. Pencheva. Determining the Service Vehicle Location of Emergency Medical Center. Universiteta din Pitest. Romania. 2006.
Gelkov, J. Dangerious Places on the Road I 1-5 (from Rousse to Byala). Scientific Conference. University of Rousse. Rousse. 2006.
Petkova, A., M. Marinov. Àn Analysis of Some Technologies for Crash Driver Avoidance Systems for Road Transport. ÅCÎVARNA, Varna. 2006.
Petkova, A., M. Marinov. An Algorithm for Prediction the Line Drift to the Vehicle. Symposium, University of Rousse ''Angel Kanchev", Volume 45, Rousse, 2006.
Ivanova, P., M. Marinov A Rewiew of Urban Transport Information Systems, ECOVARNA, Scientific works 2006, Volume 13, Varna, 2006, p. 223 – 230.
Marinov, M., P. Ivanova, V. Tsanov Some Methods for Prediction of Vehicle’s Arrival Time on the City Stations Based on GPS Data, Scientific works, Volume 45, Series 2.2. Rousse, 2006, 249–253.
Ronkova, V., N. Kolev, M. Mihajlov, S. Babanov, T. Tepavicharov. Experimentaly Investigation of the Diesel Engine Parameters, Working with a Seried and Anode Piston. Õ²²² Internanional Scientifis Conference MOTAUTO’06, Varna, 2006, p. 25-28 .
Stoyanov, A. About Possibility for Diagnose of the Diesel Engine Fuel System on an Internal Injection Irregularity of the Crankshaft Rotation. Symposium. University of Rousse. Rousse. 2006.
Stoyanov, A. Theoretical Analysis of the Technical Influence of the Diesel Fuel System Elements over the Fuel Injection Proces. Symposium. University of Rousse. 2006.